Monday, 21 May 2018

Red Spotted Bluethroat - Lodmoor, Weymouth - 14th May 2018

A planned trip to Weymouth and Portland was given an extra bit of spice when news broke early that a Red Spotted Bluethroat had been found at Lodmoor RSPB Reserve. On arrival we heard that the bird had been flushed earlier by some joggers and was now proving very illusive, to say the least! So, so fortunate that a few minutes after arriving a voice was heard from the far side of the bush saying in an excited tone "I've got it here!" And there was a superb male Red Spotted Bluethroat giving crippling views (albeit brief) in full sunshine, perched lowdown on some brambles. He stayed for no more than a few seconds, flew up to the top of the bush, and always with his back to us, gave a quick burst of song before promptly disappearing for most of the remainder of the morning. Here's a couple of shots I managed to grab on what turned out to be a very lucky twitch.

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